Important Announcement:
Empower The Workers’ Union does offer help, when we can, to workers in difficulty at work but who are not already members of the Union. If you are not yet a member but you need representation then you should email , providing some details of the problem that you face. We cannot guarantee to be able to help everyone but you have nothing to lose by getting in touch to see if we can…All enquiries are completely confidential and you will get a reply quickly.
Our website domain has moved, so we no longer have a booking page. Any general queries should now also go to
Most unions will not offer to help you until you have been a member for several months. Empower The workers’ Union is different. If you are in difficulty at work - facing a disciplinary or raising a grievance - we will help you from the first day of your membership.
Empower is a democratic, member-led trade union and we encourage workers in workplaces where there is no organised union to join Empower together and, with the union’s support, become empowered and start to make positive change at work.
If you need help quickly, follow the links below to book a chat with a rep to see how joining empower can help you. If you are a group of workers at the same workplace we’d love to hear form you. There are several ways to contact the union and we cannot wait to hear from you. Membership is free for the first month and joining is easy. Just follow the links.
If you have found your way here by clicking on our ad then the chances are that you are facing a problem at work and want to see if Empower The Workers’ Union can help you. We can!
Alternatively, you might just be looking for the right union to join. Empower may by the union you have been looking for!
Click on the right option for you below or browse the website to find out more about our member-led trade union.
Most unions will not help you unless you have already been a member for months. This means that if you are not yet in a union and you desperately need a union rep for advice, or to come with you to a disciplinary or grievance meeting you are stuck.
Empower will help new members from day 1
Click below to book a completely FREE consultation with an Empower Rep. Talk to us about how we can help you, quickly and confidentially
If is happening to you, chances are its happening to others who you work with. Challenging unfairness at work is nigh on impossible most of the time if you do it by yourself. You are better off if you have someone by your side.
But when you get together with your colleagues, as a union, then you have to be listened to!
Empower is there to empower you and your colleagues, with help and support every step of the way.
Click below to find out more and email or book a FREE consultation to talk to us about how you can grow a union where you work.
Membership fees are low. Only £92.50 for a whole year if you join with others at work.
Empower is democratic. YOU and other members are in charge. Not some distant bureaucracy.
Empower is a small union dedicated to helping members at work with accessible support and guidance to help you and your colleagues to be heard and improve your working conditions.
Help is available from the very first day of membership.
Getting involved is easy and Empower provides training in representation, organising and campaigning to truly Empower YOU and your colleagues at work.
Will you get this form one of the mega unions? Or are you looking for a union that will focus on you and your colleagues where you work to get your voice heard and to stand by your side all the way?
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Whatever your reason for joining, we cannot wait to welcome you to our campaigning trade union. We will fight for equality, fairness and justice and we want YOU to help us win! Together, there is nothing we cannot do. We will be on your side! Workers fighting for workers.
© 2022 ETWU